Wednesday, 2 December 2009

The Revival European Premiere hosted by Leeds Fixed Gear

Liam went up to Leeds the other week for The Revival Premiere.

Got wasted and took pics as usual!

Also shown on SKITCH and LSF and Liam's Blog.

1 comment:

............................................ said...

Hey Sunday! I'm writing to introduce you to a project I'm working on : Bicycle Portraits - everyday South Africans and their bicycles.

Please have a look at out website - - and our Kickstarter pledge-for-reward fundraising social platform page -

Hope you like our project! And please spread the word! We only have 10 days to go to meet out funding target or our project will be cancelled!


Stan Engelbrecht
Director / Photographer
Day One Publishing, South Africa
+27(0)82 928 6586
silencebegan (Skype)
/bicycleportrait (Twitter)